

Photo CORESA 2023


The 22nd edition of the CORESA (COmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels) conference will be organized by the CRIStAL (University of Lille / CNRS) research lab. The conference will be held from 7th to 9th of June 2023, at the Cité Scientifique campus of the University of Lille, at the ESPRIT building.

This conference will offer young researchers and specialists in the field of multimedia scientific and technical plenary sessions, oral presentations, posters, demonstrations and discussions on relevant and stimulating questions concerning the future of multimedia.

This edition will be organized as follows:

  • A day of tutorials to acquire knowledge on cutting-edge topics.
  • Two days of exchanges around presentations, posters and stands.

Contributions are expected in the following domains:

  1. Analysis, compression, representation of images, sound, video and 3D data

Image, video and 3D data analysis, segmentation, compression, representation and transmission of multimedia signals, geometric modeling and compression, joint source-channel coding, audio analysis/synthesis, mass data, image/video quality.

2. Developments related to multimedia services and uses

Acquisition and digitization (nD digitization, 3D cinema, etc.), tools and techniques for indexing and retrieving multimedia information, authentication and protection: watermarking and data concealment, joint audio-video techniques, representation of structural metadata and semantics, media and social networks, collaborative or user-centered approaches for the analysis and access to audiovisual data.

3. Communication and interface systems, virtual environment

Analysis/synthesis of 3D scenes, intelligent terminals, tools and techniques for distributed virtual spaces, telepresence, augmented reality, virtual reality, video games, cloning and facial animation, composition and integration of media of various kinds, client software and hardware architectures /media servers.


The Best Student Presentation/Paper Award was awarded to the following three PhD students :

  • Mireille EL ASSAL for her presentation titled 2D versus 3D Convolutional Spiking Neural Networks Trained with Unsupervised STDP for Human Action Recognition ;
  • Mathieu PONT for his presentation titled Principal Geodesic Analysis of Merge Trees (and Persistence Diagrams) ; et
  • Trung Hieu LE for his presentation titled Multiple description video coding for real-time applications using HEVC.

The authors are invited to submit an extended version of their work on the international scientific journal ELSEVIER Signal Processing: Image Communication.



CRIStAL    Univ. Lille   Logo HdF




Full planning

Presentation duration: talk 15 min + questions 10 min.

Poster dimensions: A0 format, portrait.

Keynote speakers

Touradj Ebrahimi

Touradj Ebrahimi
Full Professor
(EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)


Yassine Ruichek

Yassine Ruichek
Full Professor
(U.T. Belfort Montbéliard)



Patrick Bas
Research Director
(U. Lille)

Frédéric Jurie

Frédéric Jurie
Full Professor
(U. Caen Normandy)



 Luce Morin
Full Professor
(INSA Rennes)



Stefano Berretti
Associate Professor
(U. Florence, Italy)

Other to be announced soon...

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